Who am I?
The face behind Sacred Core Intimacy
Where I come from?
I was born and raised in Constanta, Romania and my life path brought me to Lisbon, Portugal where I live currently.
I am a passionate about human body, energy and consciousness. Throughout the years, I have researched on and deepened my understanding on the wisdom of the body and its innate capacity to heal.

Where my path has lead me
The Art of Dying training
The misteries of Shambala course
Kashmiri Shaivism training
Fundamental Practitioner of The Gaia Method (Body de-armoring) training
Tantra yoga Levels 5 & 6, 7
Pos graduate training on Recovering from Trauma in the body
Pos-graduate training on Narcissism and Borderline
The ultimate Tantric Woman training
Spiritual Tantra Sexuality Teacher training
Tantra Massage Teacher Training
Advanced Tantra massage therapist training
Tantra yoga Levels 3 & 4
Tantra remote healing therapist training - STS, Estonia
Spiritual Tantric Sexuality training - STS, Estonia
Tantra Massage Therapist training - STS, Estonia
Tantra yoga Level 1 - STS, Estonia
Professional training Core Energetics psychotherapy - Nice Institute, Netherlands
Kundalini Yoga teacher Level 1 (according to Yogi Bhajan) - Ramdass Guru Portugal
Starchild Yoga for children - Starchild Yoga, Portugal
Clinical psychology, Msc - ISPA, Portugal
Psychology University - ISPA, Portugal
Safety transportation at Sea, MsC
Mechanical Engineering University - Constanta, Romania