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- TESTIMONIALS | Sacred Core Intimacy
Testimonials Read what others have said about their experience Diana's tantra massage is deeply wholesome and grounded. I felt cared for in all my dimensions, far beyond the physical. With respect, sensitivity and great generosity - truly at the service of the Being. Being a holistic therapy, there is reverence and an invitation to divine intervention, and therefore we feel a support greater than ourselves. I recommend it to everyone looking for deep and transformative work! Lina This weekend course on tantra massage has really given me so much more than Tantra massage experience which has left me in love with life. This morning I started writing just random stuff about what I’m seeing and it’s the first time in over a year for this. I feel new!” The excellent practice demos were the inspiration for the process but dynamic spontaneous teaching that occurred during practices was honest intense learning where the teachers really demonstrated and shared their experience. Russ I thank Diana very much, for the wonderful treatment. Her beautiful, warm and soft energy allowed me to sink deep in to the experience. She made it possible for me to relax and surrender in to the healing effects. Especially, her calming and clear voice made me feel safe and held. Diana is a great therapist, who made me feel seen and loved. Blockages melted away, the energy flowed smoothly though my body creating its healing effects. It felt like a profound reset of my whole system. Heartfelt insights were able to reach my mind during the session. If you wish to relax deeply and go through a profound spiritual experiences, Diana is the therapist you want to choose Anna I am really thankful for yesterday because after the (remote) treatment I got really really better, as I told you I was not feeling ok, and just right after I stood up and I felt completely good and I could eat normally, so I really thank you. I appreciate your effort to work on my stomach and my manipura chakra, so that was a huge help. I really thank you for this. Many are the qualities of Diana: a very good listener, patient, caring, skilled, and efficient. You can rely on her; she helped me relieve a severe migraine. Just after the treatment, I could feel the difference. Her energy is welcoming and perceptive. I wholeheartedly recommend her Tantra Remote Energy Healing sessions as a path of self-awareness and personal growth. Thank you, Diana. Atma Diana touched my soul with her remote healing session. This experience is a milestone in my spiritual development! She knows exactly how to guide me into relaxation and to let me feel her energy streaming in. Diana is an amazing therapist who makes you feel loved and brings over confidence. Her sweet voice brings you in higher spheres, while she is in fine control over her subtile guidance. She took away blockages as she made the energy flow so smoothly that my body and soul were floating on her words and her energy beams. She definitely has a higher frequency which makes this possible. Because of her talent, she is not just activating the chakras by the energies she is sending, but she even manages to fully activate Divine energies from Above. I could feel and see warm white light over my forehead and above my crown chakra. It made me speechless… I truly recommend her remote healing sessions from the bottom of my heart. Gratefully Jan My experience with Diana's tantric massage was a deep dive beyond the physical body. Feeling my entire body unlock and my heart open made me change my perspective on pain and pleasure in a much more concrete way. Sublimating through pleasure and connection with the divine brought me the healing of very old and painful wounds. I relearned new ways of relating to myself intimately through this deep connection with my various bodies. Diana is an excellent professional but above all she is a wise woman with high sensitivity and empathy, which makes all the difference. Sofia Thank you for the beautiful massage yesterday. I was very relax and awake at the same time, did not feel to go to sleep but be actively engage in creative things. Julia Diana's Full Presence throughout the process helped me to surrender and trust... In a perfect balance between intensity and softness, the tantric massage went far beyond relaxation and enjoyment, it was a reconnection with every part of my body! It allowed me to express emotions that were frozen! The touches, the movements, the breathing, caused these blockages to be released! At one point I felt my entire body like a channel of Divine energy! Nothing in me was excluded from this Blessing! Doris Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted Your content has been submitted
Tantra Therapy & Trauma Healing Awaken, Heal and Journey to Your True Self Unlock Your Body's Potential with Tantra Massage A journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. What is Tantra Massage? Tantra Massage is a unique and effective form of body oriented therapy that combines the principles of energy healing and bodywork to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Tantra massage is often misunderstood and misconstrued . It is essential to understand that Tantra massage i s not about erotic or sensual pleasure , but rather about cultivating a deeper connection with oneself . This holistic approach helps to release tension, reduce stress, and restore balance to the body and mind.Tantra Massage can also address body insecurities, frigidity and trauma related to sexuality, such as premature ejaculation, sexual shame, guilt. This body oriented approach not only relieves stress but also boosts life energy, aids relaxation, and cultivates body positivity and joy. Benefits for General Well-being Tantra massage offers numerous benefits that can enhance one's overall well-being. Regular Tantra massage can bring many benefits, such as: Reduced Stress and Anxiety : By releasing tension and stress, Tantra massage can help calm the mind and body, leading to a sense of relaxation and serenity. Improved Sleep : Regular Tantra massage can help regulate the body's natural sleep patterns, leading to better rest and rejuvenation. Increased Self-Awareness : Through this practice, individuals can develop a greater understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, leading to a deeper sense of self-awareness. Enhanced Emotional Balance : Tantra massage can help individuals process and release emotional blockages, leading to greater emotional balance and stability. Improved Physical Flexibility : By releasing tension in the muscles and joints, Tantra massage can increase flexibility and range of motion. Benefits for Self-Discovery Tantra massage also offers several benefits that can aid in self-discovery: Increased Body Awareness : Through this practice, individuals can develop a greater awareness of their body's physical sensations, allowing for a deeper understanding of themselves. Emotional Release : Tantra massage can help individuals release emotional blockages, allowing for a more authentic expression of emotions. Spiritual Connection : This practice can foster a deeper connection to one's own spirituality, leading to a sense of inner peace and fulfilment. Personal Growth : Tantra massage can help individuals develop greater self-awareness, confidence, and self-acceptance. In conclusion, Tantra massage is not just a physical practice; it's a holistic experience that can benefit one's general well-being and self-discovery. By understanding what Tantra massage is not – i.e., not sexual or erotic – individuals can appreciate its true value and potential benefits. What to Expect from a Tantra Massage Session: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Relaxation As you prepare for your first Tantra Massage, you may have questions about what to expect. Here's an overview of what you can anticipate during your experience: A Holistic Approach A Tantra Massage is a unique and holistic experience that combines physical touch, breathwork, energy based bodywork and meditation to promote deep relaxation, release tension, and awaken your body's natural energy. The session will include: Gentle Conversation and Counseling : We'll start with a gentle conversation to discuss your goals, intentions, and any areas of focus you'd like to address. Soothing Music and Meditation : Soft music and guided meditation will help calm your mind and prepare your body for the massage. Energy-Based Bodywork : Gentle flowing strokes and use of the pressure (ayurvedic) points to release tension in your muscles, joints, and energy centers for promoting healing. Breathwork : You will be guided through conscious breathing exercises to help you connect with your body and quiet your mind. During the session, you will be undressed, but the body parts that are not being worked on will be covered. The overall aim is to create a safe, non-judgmental space for you to relax, release tension, and tap into your body's natural energy. The body is seen in Tantra as sacred and whole, thus tantra massage include Yoni and Lingam Massage, which are Sanskrit terms for women's and men's intimate areas. The tantra massage approach to the intimate zones is centered around acceptance, respect, and recognition of their sacred energy and integrated potential for healing. The Yoni or Lingam massage is the final part of the session, and it will be determined by your readiness and consent, as well as the therapist's assessment of whether it will be beneficial for achieving the goals set at the beginning of the session. Even if Yoni and Lingam massages are not performed, the session is still designed to be powerful and healing. Your Experience Matters We understand that this may be your first time experiencing a Tantra Massage. The goal is to make you feel comfortable, relaxed, and supported throughout the entire process. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to address them. We're here to guide you on this journey of self-discovery. Prior to book your appointment Book a 20min free call to discuss about your overall goals, health related issues and your readiness for such therapy. I guarantee a safe, non-judgmental space to support you on cultivating a deeper sense of connection to yourself. Check the testimonials for lived experiences of our clients. Request an appointment
- MY SERVICES | Sacred Core Intimacy
Services The way I work to help you gain consciousness Working with a psychosomatic therapist By working with a skilled therapist, you will cultivate the skills, mindfulness practice, and mindset shifts to integrate a healthy lifestyle that prioritizes your mental and emotional wellness. We’ll help you hone in on the negative thought patterns and internal narratives that may be contributing to your anxiety. “Connecting to our inner truth is the way towards the creation of a unified life, pleasure and abundance for all.“ John Pierrakos founder of Core Energetics Which ways we can work? Individual therapy Choosing a somatic therapeutic process will allow you to create body awareness and align with the innate ability to heal the stories held in the body. Working with the body, energy and consciousness will address the root of the issues helping to release the (energetic) blockages that may show up as physical illnesses, emotional distress or unhealthy relationships. Read more Group process work therapy Choosing to be part of a process work group opens an interpersonal exploration that will challenge you at many levels. Nevertheless, its therapeutic setting will help you increase your self-awareness and improve your interpersonal skills. It will be an invitation to show up as yourself, be vulnerable and open, while respecting and honouring the different perspectives. It will be an opportunity to address and heal personal wounds while being held by the collective field of the group. Read more Couples therapy Being in an intimate relationship may trigger personal issues that are hard to navigate as a couple. In the sessions, I will support you navigate the relational dynamic aspects, bringing awareness on the impacts of acting out instead of cultivating a reciprocal and empathic communication. We will create an environment where both of you can dive deep within, finding the trust and safety to communicate with each other from an authentic place. Read more Private tailored retreats Private retreats for individuals or couples is an invitation to step into your true love, elevate your intimacy and sexual life to a sacred and healing practice. Having access to the ancient tantric teachings will offer you the opportunity to raise your vibration and upgrade your experience to the sacredness in partnership and in your everyday life. The focus here is to work with what is present during the session, that needs to be healed and integrated while holding a sacred space for you. Read more
- CORE ENERGETICS | Sacred Core Intimacy
Core Energetics Awaken, Heal and Journey to Your True Self "The work of Core Energetics functions beyond normal psychotherapeutic principles; it is an evolutionary process of the body, mind and spirit - a creative act that opens us to ourselves, to others, to life, to God. This leads to a discovery of the Higher Self through an unlimited expansion of consciousness." John C. Pierrakos, MD Core energetics process In the therapeutic process, the clients are learning to identify their own energetic blocks. Living from the body will elevate the self-awareness on their sensations, true emotions, experiencing more pleasure and a greater vitality. Issues in relationships or addictions, psychological disorders (depression, anxiety) or traumas are addressed from the body. Core Energetics goes beyond improving symptoms. It is an evolutionary process that affects the deepest levels of being and transforms fixed patterns of behavior structured in the character. Many clients report positive changes in their intimate relationships, finding their life purpose, increasing well-being and physical health, and experiencing peace, joy, and passion for life. Read more about in study on the CLIENT EXPERIENCE OF“CORE ENERGETICS” BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY. Good health depends on the flow of energy between body, mind, emotions, will and spirit. Book an intake call Get To Meet Your CORE My intention as Core Energetics psychotherapist is to be of service to individuals on their unique path of healing and personal growth, to assist them in bringing online the awareness of their Core qualities, meet them exactly where they are, and accompany them in their exploration of a deeper truth. I offer a non-judgmental sacred space where people will find safety in their unique exploration of all their facets, being met with compassion and heartfelt presence. Book a discovery call Types of Core Energetics CORE Individual A Happier, Healthier You CORE Group Together we raise CORE Couples Closer to ME, closer to YOU
- Sacred Core Intimacy - Core Energetics psychotherapy & Healing process
Intimacy Begins Within Start Now Are you ready to deepen the connection wih yourself? Mind & body-centered life-transformation process Services Provide a general description of the items below and introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content. Service Name Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. Service Name Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. Service Name Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
- Core Energetics | Sacred Core Intimacy
Núcleo Energético Desperte, cure e viaje para o seu verdadeiro eu Comece agora Uma abordagem terapêutica evolutiva Núcleo Energético é um processo de vida e cura queprocura a integração de todos os aspectos da nossa humanidade : o emocional, físico, intelectual e espiritual. Criado por John C. Pierrakos, psiquiatra e co-fundador da Bioenergetics com Alexander Lowen, o Core Energetics é um espiritual e processo evolutivo de transformação focado na abertura do coração, corpo e mente . Foi desenvolvido como um meio para lidar com os desafios do dia a dia, aumentando nossa capacidade de amar e sentir. Core Energetics é baseado em uma compreensão profunda das maneiras pelas quaisenergia e consciência trabalhar juntos noprocesso transformador de cura. A visão deste processo de trabalho é convidá-lo para uma experiência mais profunda. Através da utilização de várias técnicas físicas e exercícios específicos para movimentar a energia dentro do corpo, integrando princípios espirituais básicos como a consciência e o acolhimento do momento presente, esta abordagem permite-nos reconectar com a nossa experiência interior e realinhar-nos com o melhor de nós. Core Energetics é uma abordagem que pode ajudar a abrir seu coração e trazer melhorias em todas as áreas de sua vida , trazendo mais vitalidade, maior realização de vida, alegria e prazer. Conheça o seu CORE Minha intenção como psicoterapeuta energético do Core é servir aos indivíduos em seu caminho único de cura e crescimento pessoal, para auxiliá-los a trazer online a consciência de suas qualidades do Core, encontrá-los exatamente onde estão e acompanhá-los em sua exploração de uma verdade mais profunda. I oferece um espaço sagrado sem julgamento, onde as pessoas encontrarão segurança em sua exploração única de todas as suas facetas, sendo recebidas com compaixão e presença sincera. Agende uma chamada de descoberta INDIVIDUAL PRINCIPAL Você mais feliz e saudável GRUPO PRINCIPAL Juntos nós levantamos CASAIS PRINCIPAIS Mais perto de mim, mais perto de você
- My services | Sacred Core Intimacy
Serviços “Conectar-se à nossa verdade interior é o caminho para a criação de uma vida unificada, prazer e abundância para todos.” _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ John Pierrakos, fundador da Core Energetics Sessões individuais Carroçaria de grupo Workshops & Retiros Acordado sua verdade interior Começa hoje
- EVENTS & COURSES | Sacred Core Intimacy
Events & Courses Check out all the upcoming events & courses Jun 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 The transformational path of Tantra - 14 June Portugal, Espaço Corpo e Alma, Malveira da Serra - Cascais More Information Jul 6, 2024 July 7, 2024 Intro to Tantra Massage Netherlands, Gaia Center, Bergwegplantsoen 10z Rotterdam More Information
- Tantric Bodywork | Sacred Core Intimacy
Autêntica carroçaria tântrica O caminho para o amor sagrado Massagem tântrica em sua forma autêntica é um estilo integral de trabalho corporal baseado em energia que ensinará a você as habilidades e os benefícios de estar presente, concentrando sua energia ereconectar-se com uma parte mais profunda de si mesmo , e além. Desacelerando sua mente, aprendendo a controlar sua energia usando a respiraçãovai trazerclareza aos seus pensamentos e aprimore sua experiência decrescimento pessoal e autorrealização . A massagem tântrica não apenas ajudará você a criar e circular sua energia vital mais potente por todo o corpo, no processo que você começa alibere os bloqueios inconscientes armazenados em seu corpo. INTIMIDADE CONSCIENTE DE SI Uma sessão de massagem tântrica pode ser uma experiência de mudança de vida, trazendo cura em todos os níveis do seu ser: físico, emocional e espiritual. Escolhendo experimentar uma jornada sagrada dentro de seu eu interior, consagraremos esta oferenda à Consciência Superior e juntos reacenderemos a centelha mágica de seu relacionamento com o Divino, que o ajudará a criar toda uma nova profundidade de amor incondicional, intimidade e consciência. . Inscreva-se aqui EFEITOS DE CURA Expansão da consciência corporal Liberação das emoções reprimidas Aumentar a sensibilidade do corpo à energia Harmonização do corpo, mente e alma Liberando bloqueios (físicos, mentais, psicológicos) Abordando questões psicossomáticas e distúrbios funcionais ers Aumentar a vitalidade, juventude, prazer Melhorar a intimidade e a vida sexual Energize e abra o coração para a cura Autocapacitação para clareza e sucesso Saber mais
Tantric Remote Energy Healing Awaken, Heal and Journey to Your True Self Tantric Remote Energy Healing it is a healing modality part of the greater system of Tantra, based one of the fundamental tantric principles and the universal force: ENERGY. The benefits of Tantric Remote Energy Healing are many and it can improve the health & well-being on many levels. Some common healing benefits include: Reinstating an optimal energy flow and a cleansing of the energy channels Bringing energy to the chakras, especially to the Heart Chakra Helping a person to realize their full sexual and orgasmic potential Healing of chronic health issues such as pain, disease, depression, sexual dysfunctions, emotional issues Elimination of blockages and traumas on the physical, energetic, sexual, mental and psychosomatic levels A profound spiritual awakening Request an appointment
- ABOUT ME | Sacred Core Intimacy
Who am I? The face behind Sacred Core Intimacy Where I come from? I was born and raised in Constanta, Romania and my life path brought me to Lisbon, Portugal where I live currently. I am a passionate about human body, energy and consciousness. Throughout the years, I have researched on and deepened my understanding on the wisdom of the body and its innate capacity to heal. Where my path has lead me 2024 The Art of Dying training The misteries of Shambala course Kashmiri Shaivism training Fundamental Practitioner of The Gaia Method (Body de-armoring) training Tantra yoga Levels 5 & 6, 7 2023 Pos graduate training on Recovering from Trauma in the body Pos-graduate training on Narcissism and Borderline The ultimate Tantric Woman training Spiritual Tantra Sexuality Teacher training Tantra Massage Teacher Training Advanced Tantra massage therapist training ThetaHealing® Tantra yoga Levels 3 & 4 2022 Tantra remote healing therapist training - STS, Estonia Spiritual Tantric Sexuality training - STS, Estonia Tantra Massage Therapist training - STS, Estonia Tantra yoga Level 1 - STS, Estonia 2016-2020 Professional training Core Energetics psycho therapy - Nice Institute, Netherlands 2015-2016 Kundalini Yoga teacher Level 1 (according to Yogi Bhajan) - Ramdass Guru Portugal Starchild Yoga for children - Starchild Yoga, Portugal 2016-2019 Clinical psychology, Msc - ISPA, Portugal 2013-2016 Psychology University - ISPA, Portugal 2006-2008 Safety transportation at Sea, MsC 1998-2003 Mechanical Engineering University - Constanta, Romania Contact
- Individual Sessions | Sacred Core Intimacy
Marque uma sessão com a Diana SESSÕES PRINCIPAIS - PSICOTERAPIA CORPORAL INDIVIDUAL As sessões têm 60 minutos de duração, com o objetivo de ajudá-lo a ganhar consciência que o ajudará a atingir seus objetivos de vida. Através da escuta profunda, trabalho corporal e outras práticas específicas, bem como trabalho energético, Diana irá guiá-lo no processo de auto-exploração e fornecerá ferramentas eficazes para ajudá-lo a encontrar suas próprias soluções. Política de cancelamento Para quaisquer cancelamentos ou alterações de horários de sessões reservadas, é necessário a 24 horas de antecedência. O pagamento integral é exigido para quaisquer sessões perdidas, canceladas ou alteradas em menos de 24 horas do horário agendado.